Battlegrounds – Upcoming Patch December 5


In the recent Patch Notes Hearthstone announced 2 new minions coming for Battlegrounds: King Bagurgle, a brand-new card, and Floating Watcher, which you may recognize from the Goblins vs. Gnomes set (Source).

King Bagurgle Thumbnail

King Bagurgle is a card some of may remember from the WOW card game. It was a 5 mana 3/3 minion, but never seen before in Hearthstone. In an ad for Hearthstone Battlegrounds, the card got leaked, the official stats got confirmed in a podcast named Hearthcasual.

Floating Watcher is a card published in the Goblins vs Gnomes set. it’s not confirmed yet in what tier it will be.

But that’s not all!

In a previous article, we showed you a Q&A Mike Donais had in a Twitch Stream. He confirmed that also 3 new heroes will join the Battle, one of them will be Rafaam, confirmed in different streams (Source).

Lightfang Enforcer will only give +2/+1 instead of +2/+2, also some heroes will be balanced. The first page of the stats will be available (Source).

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