All new Hearthstone Daily & Weekly Quests

Revamping Progression & Rewards in Hearthstone

With Hearthstone’s Revamp of the progression system, the quests changed in Hearthstone! We now have both Daily & Weekly Quests we can complete to earn XP.

Below we listed them!

You will receive 3 weekly quests at the start of each week.

  • 1 Quest will be from the 2500 XP bucket. (Source)
  • 2 Quests will be from the 1750 XP bucket.

Source: Dataminded by (Daily & Weekly)

» Daily Quests


Play 3 games as a Druid, Mage, or Paladin.

1000 XP
Play 3 games as a Druid, Rogue, or Shaman.1000 XP
Play 3 Tavern Brawls.1000 XP
Play 20 Murlocs.1000 XP
Play 50 Battlecry cards.1500 XP
Play 3 games.800 XP
Deal 65 damage to enemy heroes.800 XP
Watch a friend win in Spectator Mode.1500 XP
Challenge a friend. You both earn a reward!1500 XP
Play 3 games as Rogue, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Rogue, Shaman, or Warrior.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Shaman, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Druid, or Priest.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Priest, Rogue, or Warlock.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Hunter, or Priest.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Mage, or Rogue.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Mage, or Shaman.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Mage, or Warlock.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Paladin, or Shaman.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Paladin, or Warrior.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Priest, or Rogue.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Priest, or Shaman.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Druid, Hunter, or Mage.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Druid, Hunter, or Paladin.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Druid, Hunter, or Priest.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Druid, Hunter, or Rogue.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Druid, Mage, or Shaman.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Druid, Mage, or Warrior.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Druid, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Hunter, Mage, or Paladin.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Hunter, Mage, or Warlock.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Hunter, Paladin, or Priest.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Hunter, Shaman, or Warrior.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Mage, Paladin, or Priest.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Mage, Priest, or Rogue.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Mage, Rogue, or Shaman.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Mage, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Paladin, Priest, or Rogue.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Paladin, Priest, or Shaman.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Paladin, Priest, or Warrior.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Paladin, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Priest, Shaman, or Warlock.1000 XP
Play 3 games as Rogue, Shaman, or Warlock.1000 XP
Play 20 Battlecry cards.1000 XP
Play 12 Beasts.1000 XP
Play 12 Dragons.1000 XP
Play 10 Deathrattle cards.1000 XP
Play 10 minions with Taunt.1000 XP
Play 6 weapons.1000 XP
Play 6 cards that cost 7 or more.1000 XP
Play 25 cards that cost 3 or less.1000 XP
Play 10 odd-cost cards.1000 XP
Play 10 even-cost cards.1000 XP
Play 8 minions that cost 1.1000 XP
Play 2 cards that cost 10.1000 XP
Play 50 cards that cost 3 or less.1500 XP
Play 30 cards.800 XP
Play 25 minions.800 XP
Play 25 spells.800 XP
Use your Hero Power 20 times.800 XP
Win 5 games in any mode.1500 XP
Win 2 games in any mode.800 XP
Draw 30 cards.800 XP
Take 20 turns.800 XP
Destroy 25 minions.800 XP
Challenge a friend. You both earn a reward!1500 XP

» Weekly Quests

Win a game with 4 different classes.1750 XP
Use your Hero Power 50 times.1750 XP
Play 50 Battlecry cards.1750 XP
Play 50 Corrupt cards.1750 XP
Deal 200 damage to enemy heroes.1750 XP
Spend 500 mana.1750 XP
Deal 2000 damage to enemy minions in Battlegrounds.1750 XP
Play an Old God Legendary from the Darkmoon Faire 10 times.1750 XP
Finish in Top 2 in Battlegrounds.1750 XP
Win 5 games of Tavern Brawl, Battlegrounds, or Duels.1750 XP
Finish an Arena run with 4 or more wins.1750 XP
Win 7 games of Ranked Play Mode.2500 XP

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