- September 11, 2020
- By neon31
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Hearthstone Battlegrounds Group Queue Win-rate & Rating Reset

Since Patch 18.2 was released on September 8, you can, with up to 4 players in a regular ranked Hearthstone Battlegrounds match together.
A lot thought this would result in a much higher Winrate, but what are the real numbers?
We also talk a bit more in this article:
- What if four-player queuing becomes a problem?
- Rating Reset
If you are an average player and are in a group queue with your friends in Hearthstone Battlegrounds, your predicted win-rate gain against solo queue players is:
- +0.37% (2 players), +0.18% (3 players) +0.77% (4 players)
If your rating is among the top 30% (~6000 rating) of active players ( You’re good at this! ), and you are in a group queue with your friends, your predicted win-rate gain when against solo queue players is:
- +2.0% (2 players), +2.5% (3 players) +4.5% (4 players)
What if 4 Player que becomes a Problem?
If it becomes a problem, there are multiple options they think about:
- Disable group queue
- Disable group queue about a certain MMR
- Only pair groups together
- Create a separate queue
Rating Reset
For Patch 18.4, a Rating Reset got announced, and they said they would continue with that every single major event.
[bluepost] Some Numbers for Battlegrounds Group Queue Win-rate by Data Scientist TDing_HS
Hey guys! Since there are a lot of interests of knowing how group queue could bring you any advantage, I’d like to post some numbers here from yesterday’s game-play data (with some criteria applied to exclude “abnormal” games).
If you are an average player, and you are in a group queue with your friends, your predicted win-rate gain when against solo queue players is:
+0.37% (2 players), +0.18% (3 players) +0.77% (4 players)
If your rating is among top 30% (~6000 rating) of active players ( You’re good at this! ), and you are in a group queue with your friends, your predicted win-rate gain when against solo queue players is:
+2.0% (2 players), +2.5% (3 players) +4.5% (4 players)
Therefore statistically group queue would just bring a very small advantage at the moment. That being said, we will keep monitoring the situation closely and do some adjustments if necessary.
Enjoy Bob’s hospitality(…and forgive him if he misunderstood your thoughts) and see you in the Tavern! 🙂 [/bluepost]
We have two core goals directly relating to group queuing. One is to allow you to play with your friends when you want. The other is to create a fun and fair experience for all players involved in a game. Ideally, there is a solution that allows for both of these things to happen.
There are a bunch of potential solutions to solve group queue issues relating to competitive integrity. The TL:DR is there is some data collection involved in understanding the kind of advantage group players have over solo players so we can accurately matchmake and rating adjust. Once we have an accurate baseline of the advantage different skillsets of players get (4k, 6k, 10k, etc) by grouping together, we can adjust the matchmaking rating of those grouped players to create a fair experience. There are many more details about how the end of game rating calculation would work, but the general idea is that whether you queue up into a game with grouped players or solo players your expected rating adjustment end of game would be the same.
If this doesn’t work for whatever reason (actual or perceived fairness), there are many other paths we can go down. We can disable group queue, disable group queue about a certain MMR, only pair groups together, create a separate queue, etc, etc. All of these solutions involve some amount of downside that we’d like to avoid if there is an alternate solution with minimal downside.
Beyond 18.2, we have plans for a rating reset in 18.4 and we will reset again every major battlegrounds patch. Rating reset will also likely involve some iteration based on player feedback, so we’ll continue to adjust until players feel like we’re in a good place. In the interim, hope you are enjoying BG and you get really big pogos. [/bluepost]