Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Vanndar Stormpike – ahegao_baka
(Battle Tactics | For the Alliance!)

Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Vanndar Stormpike - ahegao_baka
Proof ahegao_baka

Details: Heroic Duels – 5592 MMR
Passives: Inspiring Presence & Scepter of Summoning

If u find Primordial Protector, it would be fine with rich treasures for 5 mana (Silence and destroy all enemies) or 8 mana (Silence, destroy enemy minion and copy 10/10)
Yogg’Saron, Master of Fate would be fine this deck, Yogg’Saron, Hope’s End too.
Some ideas from dworrowYA, example Kazakus. Really good here.

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