Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Scarlet Leafdancer – Mena
(Scourging | Ironweave Bloodletter)

Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Scarlet Leafdancer - Mena
Proof Mena

Details: Heroic Duels – 8615 MMR

– My only loss was my first game. the rush passive is extremely good, and the taunt passive makes this deck a real powerhouse.
– The taunts (khartut and gargoyle) are there to increase the chance of the taunt passive. then any taunts become insane. especially saurfang.
– The two flex cards (death strike and corrupted ashbringer) are replaceable but i like the extra healing they provide. if u wanna be more greedy you can add brann, mograin, soulstealer, astalor, any of the 3 mana discover cards, etc but i dont think u need to be greedy with ur deck because the hero power provides a lot of value. u can also add noxious cadaver for more early game.

– Mulligan guide: 1 drops and taunts.

– Buckets to look for: no thank you > buckets with saurfang > buckets with good taunts (gnome muncher especially) > buckets with patchwerk > buckets with cheap cards (body bagger, heart strike, rune forging, noxious cadaver) > rest

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