- March 31, 2022
- By neon31
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New Hearthstone Hotfix: Adjusted Armor Tiers in Battlegrounds

A new server-side hotfix just got announced in the Hearthstone Forum (Source):
3/30 Update: We are currently in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix with the following:
Adjusted several Battlegrounds Armor Tiers
Cookie the Cook and Nozdormu were moved to Armor Tier 1 (0 Armor)
Shudderwock was moved to Armor Tier 3 (3-6 Armor)
Elise Starseeker and Onyxia were moved to Armor Tier 4 (4-7 Armor)
Bru’kan, Kael’thas Sunstrider, Kurtrus Ashfallen, Rakanishu, and Rokara were moved to Armor Tier 5 (5-8 Armor)
Edwin Vancleef, Galewing, Greybough, and The Rat King were moved to Armor Tier 6 (6-9 Armor)
Illidan Stormrage and Vanndar Stormpike were moved to Armor Tier 7 (7-10 Armor)
Tad will now only be able to generate minions still in the available minion pool.
Fixed a bug where completing the Heroic Smolderwing Bounty, but not the normal version of the Bounty, would not progress you to the next Bounty within Onyxia’s Lair.
Fixed a bug where Yu’lon’s Jade Gust did not deal bonus damage if the enemy used certain Attack Abilities.
Fixed a bug where Nefarian’s Chromatic Infusion gained the wrong amount of Health when stealing more Attack than the target had.