Renathal Reno Priest #80 Legend – BigChimpNRG (Score: 21-7)

Renathal Reno Priest #80 Legend - BigChimpNRG

21-7 with the same list I made it to Legend with last season. This time I cut -1 Skulking Geist and -1 Rustrot Viper for +1 Psychic Conjurer and +1 Harvester of Envy. Harvester is hit or miss, but I didn’t want to craft Najak Hexxen or Serena Bloodfeather. Conjurer feels a lot better than Geist into the Secret Mage matchup since she can be used to cheaply test for Objection and occasionally gets me a useful card (also synergizes with Harvester). Geist would be much better if I ran into a bunch of Mill Druids, but I only faced 1 and most of my matchups were against Pirate Rogue, Even Shaman and a couple variations of Big Priest.

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