[Theorycraft] Aggro Druid – Alphacord

[Theorycraft] Aggro Druid - Alphacord

Alphacord Discord: Aggro Druid has gone through various forms over the years, most recently it transitioned from a more token style build to an Embiggen strategy. Cards like Echoing Ooze especially benefit from this. Aggro Druid also runs the pirate package like most aggressive decks which mean Patches can come out as a 3/3 or even a whopping 5/5 in stats. Once the board is reasonably full, the deck utilizes mana efficient board buffs in the form of Mark of the Lotus and Power of the Wild. Nerub’ar Weblord is a strong disruption tool that can become hard to remove, especially after a few buffs. Jeeves acts as refill and Savage Roar gives the deck explosive turns for lethal.


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