Quest Mage #481 Legend – hynracanfly (Score: 17-5)

Quest Mage #481 Legend - hynracanfly

With coin; look for 1 copy of Volume Up and Sandbinder. Caricature Artist is also fine but it’s a 50/50 for Vex or Rommath. Your turn 2 should be cycling, tutoring for Volume Up with Starscryer, or setting up Mana Biscuit if you don’t already hold at least 1 Elemental Evocation.

No coin; look for Licensed Adventurer or Greedy Partner to do the same play as if you have coin.

Turn 3 coin into Volume Up or Vex tutors, Turn 4 play the other one. Make sure you have either a Mana Biscuit or Elemental Evocation (or sometimes double coin) to setup for Vex on turn 5.

Turn 5 Ideally you want to finish the quest using Vex. Usually you play 1 Evocation into 1 Conjure Mana Biscuit and try to find as much Mana Biscuits through rewinds. Sometimes you have Conjure Mana Biscuits and 1 Volume up – in this case use the mana biscuits to setup to 4 mana with 1 extra Mana Biscuit to play Volume Up as a Rewind Tutor for more Biscuits and future Waygates. You can also setup Sivara using Conjure Mana Biscuits and Rewinds to refund in your Vex turn like shown here; (

Burning legendaries such as Rommath or E.T.C usually doesn’t really matter since you should normally have enough rewinds to generate more Waygates, so don’t worry too much on holding 10 cards on turn 4/5. The Galactic Projection Orb is also really good at replaying Waygates, you can play that or Rommath early by hoarding coins from Rewinds that doesn’t offer Waygates, Licensed Adventurer, or Greedy Partner.

The typical Potion of Illusion for infinite Rommath should ideally only be setup if Vexalus is tech’d against you. In which case Sivara, Volume Up to copy Rewinds, and Brann should be enough to finish the quest normally.

Sky Gen’ral Kragg is only used against Razorscale which is typically only run in reno decks making them uncommon to begin with. Otherwise you can probably swap for Azshara, Dawngrasp, or Mailbox Dancer.E.T.C Lightshow is experimental for multiple casting with Rewinds, Rommath, and Galactic Orb as your only 3 cost spell (for big taunt boards or linecracker). Otherwise you can run Animated Broomstick to deal with Razorscales.

E.T.C.’s Band:
# 1x (4) Potion of Illusion
# 1x (3) Lightshow
# 1x (10) The Galactic Projection Orb

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