Even Druid #476 Legend – Torzonborz

Even Druid #476 Legend - Torzonborz

E.T.C.’s Band:
# 1x (4) Poison Seeds
# 1x (5) Wildheart Guff
# 1x (3) Ashen Elemental

They said I am crazy, they didn’t believe in me – God did! 🙏😝
A bit later but i climbed to legend with a bad internet connection and the best deck of this exact 30 cards: Even Dragon Druid! 🐲😎😅
Not gonna lie, I just wanted to have some fun, but as it turned out, deck is actually decen! 😱😬
During the climb I beat 5 quest mages (100% winrate against mage), all the aggro decks (100% against aggro), most of the reno greed piles (shaman; druid; etc. / 70% winrate against them) and mainly only lost to my awful internet. 😎😝
As it turned out, the one mana hero power, some spells and the dragon package easily destroys aggro and Kazakusan + Astalor beats aggro. 💪👌
I can honestly recommend this deck for legend climb, because it’s actually good. Probably tier 2 or at least high tier 3 good. Suddenly I don’t think anyone is crazy enough to try this out. 💪😢
For questions/deck requests or anything else related to hearthstone everyone can find me at torzonborz.business@gmail.com. 😉

This Deck is sourced from our Deck Submission Form, submit your own: https://hearthstone-decks.net/submit

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