Hall of Fame: 11 cards are moving to Wild – What should you do?

Hall of Fame Guide (Twitter)

Today got announced that 11 cards will move to the Hall of Fame on March 26

Those cards will no longer be able to be played in Standard, they still are in wild.

When those cards rotate into the Hall of Fame you will get the full dust refunded if you own them, more about them later.

Hall of Fame Cards

Hall of Fame: What you should do

If you are reading this there are 2 things you can do:

  1. Do nothing
  2. Maximize your profit

» How can I earn dust with the Hall of Fame?

Since you get your dust back of all cards that move to the Hall of Fame and you can disenchant them after, you can get up to 50% Profit! The details below are based on a reddit post published 2019 by cgmcnama.

Hall of Fame - Returned Investment

» What you should do: Short Answer

  • If max playable copies are golden, do nothing.

  • If you are missing a playable copy, craft golden of the highest rarity you can.

  • If you only have a non-golden playable copy, decide…

    • a) If you want to upgrade to a golden copy, craft golden.

    • b) If you want the most dust, do nothing, except for COMMON cards, always craft golden.

» What you should do: Long Answer

For easy reference, here are the current crafting and disenchant rates. Remember, you only get dust back for the max playable copies of a card and golden copies are counted first. Also, when you dust the cards, you dust for the normal rate, not the full amount, after rotation.

Common405Common (Golden)40050
Rare10020Rare (Golden)800100
Epic400100Epic (Golden)1600400
Legendary1600400Legendary (Golden)32001600​

1. If max playable copies are golden, do nothing.

This is pretty self-explanatory. If all your max playable cards are golden, there is nothing else for you to do. You get your maximum dust at rotation.

EXAMPLE 1: I have 2x golden Auchenai Soulpriest. I do nothing. I get 1,600 dust (800+800) on rotation.

2. If you are missing a playable copy, craft golden of the highest rarity you can.

Whether you want a golden card, or the maximum dust, both can be achieved by crafting golden when missing max playable copies. As you can see with the return rates, it’s the best use of your dust to craft the highest rarity golden and then move down the chart. If you don’t have enough dust to craft everything, just figure out how to maximize what you do have.

EXAMPLE 2: I have 1x regular Auchenai Soulpriest. Since the max playable copies for Rares are 2, and I have 1x regular copy, I craft 1x golden Auchenai Soulpriest. I get 900 dust on rotation (100+800)

3a. If you only have a non-golden playable copy, decide..if you want to upgrade to a golden copy, craft golden.

You can also use the Hall of Fame dust to “upgrade” to Golden. You get less dust overall but you get a golden copy, instead of a regular copy. You can then go back and dust the regular copies for a bit more dust.

Example 3: I have 2 regular copies of Auchenai Soulpriest. But I want them golden. So I craft 2x copies of golden Auchenai Soulpriest (-1,600 dust). I now have 2x regular Auchenai Soulpriest and 2x golden Auchenai Soulpriest. Because I only get dust for max playable copies, and golden copies are counted first, I get 1,600 dust back on rotation for my golden copies (800+800). Now I can dust the two regular copies and get 40 dust back along with my now golden Auchenai Soulpriest. (20+20)

3b. If you only have a non-golden playable copy, decide…If you want the most dust, do nothing, except for COMMON cards, always craft golden.

If you want the most dust, and already have a playable copy of the card, it’s best to do nothing. By crafting golden, and dusting golden, you come out the same amount as if you had just held your regular copy. However, Common cards are an exception where you make a slight profit crafting golden because the craft/dust rates are weirdly set.

Example 4: I have 2 regular copies of Auchenai Soulpriest and want the most dust. If I do nothing I get 200 dust (100+100). If I craft 2 golden copies of Auchenai Soulpriest I spend 1,600 dust (800+800) and get 1,600 dust back on rotation (800+800). Now I go ahead and disenchant them for 200 (100+100). I’m left with 2x regular copies and 200 dust. The exact same as if I did nothing. (this is true for all Rare, Epic, and Legendary cards)

Example 5: (Common Card Exception) If you look at Example 4, you’ll find upgrading to golden copies won’t net you more dust for Rare, Epic, or Legendary Cards but Commons are different. If you have 2x regular Spellbreaker you would get 80 dust on rotation (40+40). However, if you craft 2x golden Spellbreaker for 800 (400+400) you get 800 back (400+400) on rotation. Now if you dust those Golden cards, you end up with 2x regular copies of Spellbreaker and 100 dust (50+50). If we did nothing we would have gotten 80. So we made 20 dust, or 10 dust per Common card, by doing this (10+10).

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