- September 7, 2023
- By neon31
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Hearthstone 27.2.3 Patch Notes: Sword Eater banned in Twist & Battlegrounds Updates

Patch 27.2.3 is a server-side hotfix patch launching today with the following game updates and bug fixes:
Battlegrounds Updates
» Anomaly Adjustments
- Anti-Gravity Stadium has been returned to the Anomaly pool
- Might of Khaz’goroth and Fortitude of Khaz’goroth now have lower appearance rates
» Hero Adjustments
Several heroes are now banned when certain anomalies are active:
- Little League: Dinotamer Brann and Thorim, Stormlord (corrected)
- Money Match: Infinite Toki; E.T.C., Band Manager; and Professor Putricide
- Packed Stands: Millhouse Manastorm
- The Golden Arena: E.T.C., Band Manager and Shudderwock
- Several low-performing heroes have been removed from various Anomalies
Bug Fixes
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Sword Eater was playable in Twist, even though it is not in one of the legal expansions for this season.
- [Hearthstone] The mana cost of Escaped Tentacle (summoned by Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron) is now based on Escaped Tentacle’s stats, instead of the mana cost of the card Discovered.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Chamber of Viscidus could not be activated without cards in hand to discard (and behaved oddly when tried).
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Faithful Companions couldn’t be played if only its Manathirst was active (if you have a Beast in your hand, but not in your deck).
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Al’Akir, the Winds of Time could draw non-minion cards.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where a copy of V-07-TR-0N created by Ini Stormcoil is unable to attack after using all its Abilities.
- [Hearthstone] Partially resolved a bug where Soot Spewer and Spawn of Shadows did not have the stats of their original versions updated to match their Caverns of Time versions (both cards got +1 Health with Caverns). The other part of the resolution was in our most recent Client Patch. Both portions are needed to fully resolve the issue. See the 27.2 Known Issues post for more details.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where some players would instantly concede at the start of Anomalies where all players are the same hero.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Witchwing Nestmatron could give Tier 1 and Tier 2 minions while the Big League Anomaly is active.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Prudence of Amitus and Transient Treasures were not appearing in high-level lobbies.
- [Duels] The Grand Tournament and Mean Streets of Gadgetzan have been added to Discover pools and random generation effects. They will be added to initial deckbuilding in a future update.
- [Collection] Fixed a bug where the Warrior Twist Battle-Ready Deck included the legacy copy of Acolyte of Pain (which is banned in some cases to avoid another issue). Players who already purchased the deck before this update can play it by swapping out the banned version of Acolyte of Pain with the free Core Set version, which is not banned.
Source: PlayHearthstone