Hearthstone 31.4 Patch Notes: Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set

31.4 Patch Notes

Patch 31.4, launching on January 21, pushes Hearthstone further than it’s ever gone with the Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set, the new Mythic Kerrigan Hero Skin, a new Arena-only card, and more!


It’s About Time—Heroes of StarCraft is Here!


Explore the StarCraft universe with new cards across Zerg, Protoss, and Terran multi-class factions. Experience aggressive Zerg swarms, huge Protoss swing turns, the Terran Starship armada, and more!

Heroes of StarCraft is our biggest Mini-Set ever, with 49 all-new cards. Get them in The Great Dark Beyond packs or as a complete 94-card mini-set.* Get the normal version for $19.99 or 2500 Gold, or get the all-Golden version for $79.99 or 12,000 Gold. The all-Golden version also comes with a bonus Diamond copy of the Grunty Legendary minion! Individual factions from the Mini-Set are also available for $9.99 or 1200 Gold. You can see all the cards from the Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set in the official Card Library.

* 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card (x2), 20 Rare card (x2), and 24 Common cards (x2).


Become the Queen of Blades


The Zerg swarm has infested Hearthstone! Now you can become their leader, Sarah Kerrigan, with Hearthstone’s next Mythic Hero skin. This quad-class skin can be used by all the Zerg classes—Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Hunters, and Warlocks—and includes new emotes, special animations for attacks, victory, and defeat, special board visuals, and more. Spread the infestation!


Hearthstone Card Update

Ethereal Oracle

  • Old: [3 Mana]
  • New: [4 Mana]


Dev Comment: Ethereal Oracle has been one of the strongest and most ubiquitous cards in the meta since the launch of The Great Dark Beyond. In hindsight, this is a card we probably should have addressed in the last balance patch. Unfortunately, the timing of that patch wasn’t ideal because we try to avoid high-impact changes heading into an extended winter break where we wouldn’t be able to react to unforeseen problems that might arise. Instead, we’re adding the change into this major patch because we’re already expecting a meta shakeup with the mini-set, and we have our usual built-in balance window a few weeks from now for any necessary follow-up adjustments.

Disenchantable versions of Ethereal Oracle will be eligible for full dust refunds for two weeks after this change goes live with Patch 31.4.


In-Game Event: Heroes of StarCraft

Choose your faction and fight for glory! From January 21-February 11, pick one of three Event Tracks to complete for 13 packs (5 Perils in Paradise packs and 8 The Great Dark Beyond packs) and a faction-specific Hero Skin. Which campaign will you join?


Event Hero skins not earned through the event will be available in the in-game Shop after the event ends.


Arena Updates

When Patch 31.4 launches, all current Arena runs will end and a new Arena season will begin. The Arena pool will be adjusted so that the following sets make up the card pool this season:

  • Voyage to the Sunken City
  • Murder at Castle Nathria
  • Whizbang’s Workshop
  • Perils in Paradise
  • The Great Dark Beyond (including Heroes of StarCraft)


Additionally, a new Arena-only card will be added to the card pool to help you probe the depths of the meta:



Loaner Deck Updates

Loaner decks for new and returning players* are getting updated with the launch of Patch 31.4. These new decks are tuned to let you immediately jump onto the ladder and include cards as new as The Great Dark Beyond main set!

* Returning players who have been away for 90 or more days are eligible for a free deck just for logging in. Returning players can claim these returning decks each time they are eligible. New players are eligible for their free deck after completing the tutorial and Apprentice Track.



February Twist Update: Return to Un’Goro

On February 4, the Wonders XL format will end and the Wonderful Un’Goro format will begin. Wonderful Un’Goro is back to a 30-card format using the Wonders format, but with Journey to Un’Goro added. The following sets will make up the format:

  • Legacy
  • Curse of Naxxramas
  • Goblins vs Gnomes
  • Blackrock Mountain
  • The Grand Tournament
  • The League of Explorers
  • Whispers of the Old Gods
  • One Night in Karazhan
  • Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
  • Journey to Un’Goro
    • The Caverns Below is banned.
  • Caverns of Time

The Wonderful Un’Goro format will end with the February season and then Twist will be on hiatus. We will have more information about future Twist seasons in a future update.


Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

  • [General] Updated Unity version.
  • [Hearthstone] Like Galakrond and C’Thun, you will not be able to randomly Discover or generate StarCraft faction cards unless you started the game with at least one card in your deck from that faction or you are actively the Hero for that faction.
  • [Hearthstone] Some older cards have had their names updated (Banshee is now Wailing Banshee, Mothership is now Stormcoil Mothership, and Hallucination is now Spore Hallucination).
  • [Hearthstone] Cards that draw an unfixed amount of cards will now check for player deaths between draws (meaning that if you draw a Plague from a card like Malygos the Spellweaver and your life goes to 0, you will now immediately lose, instead of continuing to draw and possibly gaining the life back). However, cards that draw a set amount (like Arcane Intellect) will finish their full effect before checking for deaths.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Spore Empress Moldara could be added to E.T.C.’s Band.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug with copying or repeating the Deathrattle of Velen, Leader of the Exiled with Xyrella, the Devout.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug were Screaming Banshee didn’t work with Airlock Breach.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Magnetic effects didn’t work properly with static board-wide stat increases (like Zilliax Deluxe 3000 or Stormwind Champion).
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where launching a Starship could count as summoning twice for “when summoned” effects.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Lucky Comet could trigger Bounty Wrangler’s Quickdraw effect twice.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Exarch Maladar’s effect could use Corpses to pay for Forge or Tradeable costs.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Dreamboat’s buff effect counted minions summoned by his heal effect (like if you had a Mana Geode in play).
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Galaxy’s Lens targeting an Elusive minion would switch the target to the enemy Hero.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Tess Greymane wouldn’t replay Spontaneous Combustion.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where you could launch your Starship with Bloodbloom.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Orbital Halo would get reduced to 0 when your opponent played cards.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where, for some reason, Bloodbound Imp didn’t get buffed by Kil’jaeden’s Portal.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a visual bug where all the minions in Diamond Kil’jaeden’s Portal would come out Golden, even if they had a higher quality (Diamond or Signature) available.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed an issue where certain Legacy cards were not included in the eligible Twist Wonders card pools.
  • [Battlegrounds] Reverber Drake and Echoing Roar will be temporarily banned at patch launch due to a bug that is scheduled to be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Knockoff Wisdomball would sometimes Refresh into an empty Tavern (not very helpful).
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Efficient Engineer couldn’t trigger an Echoing Roar on an Upbeat minion during its off turns (not very efficient).
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed various bugs with Karmic Chameleon sometimes not correctly copying (not very… Karmic?).
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Rylak Metalhead, Reverber Drake, and Persistent Poet didn’t work together.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Thundering Abomination’s buff overrode Butchering’s buff on Reborn minions, instead of them stacking.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Golden Private Chef wasn’t animated.
  • [Collection] Players who missed getting Bob the Bartender from the event can now get the normal version by going to the pack opening screen with a regular The Great Dark Beyond pack and get the golden version with a Golden The Great Dark Beyond pack.
  • Misc. other bug fixes and game improvements.

Source: PlayHearthstone

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