Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Warrior – SWJ06
(Bruising | Auto-Armaments)

[OUTDATED - DUELS GOT REMOVED] Duels sadly got removed on April 16th 2024, but you might enjoy Standard or Wild Decks!

Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Warrior - SWJ06

All Together Now + Disks of Legend and all Legendary unit deck makes for a strong deck. My losses were to a divine shield / poison under 2 unit Paladin Deck and a Warrior deck my first match (bomb warrior)

Final Deck Stats:
vs Mindrender Illucia (Priest) 3-0
vs Rattlegore (Warrior) 3-1
vs Star Student Stelina (Demon Hunter) 2-0
vs Turalyon, the Tenured (Paladin) 1-1
vs Mozaki, Master Duelist (Mage) 1-0
vs Instructor Fireheart (Shaman) 1-0
vs Forest Warden Omu (Druid) 1-0

I didn’t run into any Rogues during this run. Best unit pick up were probably my 2nd Rokara, two ZIlliax, another Kresh, Lord of Turtling, 2nd Grommash and Rattlegore. Rest mix of Legendaries and a few useful spells though the only one that got much use was Gnomish Army Knife a few times. Picked up Loyal henchman late for some insurance. Doubled (by Disks of Legend) Archdruid Naralex early helped out a lot of rounds with useful spell mix. Be careful not to play double Bloodmage Thalnos and Auto-Armaments’ too close together.


Hero, Hero Power & Signature Treasure

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