Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Drek’Thar – Goris
(Harness the Elements | Gift of the Heart)

Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Drek’Thar - Goris
Proof Goris

Details: Heroic Duels – 5070 MMR
Passives: Crystal Gem & Dragonbone Ritual

Get as many Showdown in the Badlands cards as possible, the mana refresh dragon (Desert Nestmaron), any ramp cards and Fye! Ramp up and draw spells with your hero power early thanks to Crystal Gem, then make a sticky board with Dragonbone Ritual to kill the opponent with Alexstrasza. Copy Fye or Kazakusan or sometimes Raid Boss Onyxia with your Dragon Breeder, depending on the match up (value match up or aggro).

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