Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Warlock – Nekros
(Dark Arts | Killmox)

Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Warlock - Nekros
Proof Nekros

Details: Casual Duels – 5996 MMR
Passives: Small Backpacks & Khadgar’s Scrying Orb

Deck is nuts in the first few games because of how quickly you can draw Malchezaar’s Imp + Tome Tampering. Killmox will carry your first two games usually because of how small the decks are. Try to hold off on Tome Tampering until you get Killmox in your hand as getting a 2nd (and 1 mana) Killmox is huge. Always wait until Togwaggle or Azalina are in your hand before Tampering, though you may not always have both in your hand in time. Zephrys is pretty good in the deck even though you may draft 1-3 dupes. Theotar is a must in this Denathrius meta, also a really good card overall. (Giving your opponent Killmox then playing Azalina is great as well!) There are no “best” passives for this deck, but these worked pretty well.

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