Hearthstone Fireside Gathering – Open your pre-purchase bundle packs early!

Hearthstone Fireside Gatherings

A new Hearthstone expansion is just around the corner, and you don’t want to wait till the official release of it to open your packs?

Good news: There is an option to open them early – Hearthstone Fireside Gatherings.

Note: This only works for packs you already have (Pre-Bundles, free packs). You can’t buy packs with gold in-game early using this method.

How to create a Fireside Gathering?

  • Visit https://firesidegatherings.com/create
  • Add your event Details.
    • Make sure the Start Time features the correct day (by default, it chooses a day five days in the future)
  • Add your Venue Details
    • While some don’t want to add their details make sure to choose a city from your country as time zones are different in the world
  • Make the event unlisted (Due to the current situation, this is enabled by default right now and can’t be changed)

March of the Lich King Fireside Gathering

You can open your Pre-Purchase packs early at a private pre-release Fireside Gathering before March of the Lich King goes live on December 6. Private Pre-Release Fireside Gatherings can take place between Friday, December 2, 10:00 a.m. (PST) and Monday, December 5, 10:00 a.m. (PST) (Source).

If everything worked, it should look like this:

Open Packs early

You also get an email that you created a Fireside Gathering successfully, or use this link to see all your open events.

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