Confirmed leaked Hearthstone Changes for Standard, Wild & Battlegrounds

Announcing Murder at Castle Nathria, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion!

Earlier today, a different Hearthstone patch version was inadvertently set live briefly.

According to Reddit posts, several cards played with different values in the Asia server an hour ago, and now it rollbacked.

Note 1: The Leaks just got confirmed by a Hearthstone Game Designer, which will go live on Tuesday, “But, there’s much more!“, so stay tuned for the official Patch Notes!

Note 2: Official Patch Notes have been shared


  • Snowfall Guardian: 3/3 -> 5/5 Stat. No stat gain per each Frozen minions
  • Vile Library: Give a friendly minion +1 / +1 for each Imp
  • Relic Vault: Cost 3 -> 2
  • Edwin, Defias Kingpin: Cost 4 -> 3. 4/4 -> 3/3 Stat.
  • Stag Spirit Wildseed: Weapon has 3/2 Stat
  • Celestial Alignment: Card effects only for my crystals.
  • Halkias: It now has Stealth.
  • Relic Vault: Cost 3 -> 2
  • Relic of Extinction (May inaccurate): Cost 2 -> 1
  • Magnifying Glaive: 2/2 -> 3/2 Stat
  • Bibliomite: 4/4 -> 5/4 Stat


  • Kobold Illusionist: Cost 4 -> 5.


  • Evolving Chromawing: Stat 1/1 -> 1/4. Gain +1 attack for each friendly Dragon.
  • Lil’ Rag: Tier 6 -> 5
  • Lieutenant Garr
  • Grease Bot (No Divine Shield)
  • Darkmoon prizes’ Bob’s Tavern upgrade cost reduction now reduces 5.

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