Questline Demon Hunter #490 Legend – pepsicola (Score: 69-34)

Questline Demon Hunter #490 Legend - pepsicola
Proof pepsicola

Against Aggro, mulligan for Mana Burn and cheap draws like Consume Magic, to stall and complete the questline in the meantime. Your goal is to flood the board with preferably Brute or Walloper, followed ideally with Mana Burn to block opponent’s potentially incoming board clear. Play aggressively. Dont trade, unless it’s completely necessary! Against slower, control/combo decks, use Glide to mess with their hand, especially if they hold 7+ cards. As a (very) late-game win-con, stack Glaivetar draws, draw through your deck, play Aranna, and break Glaivetar (either by attacking or equipping a second Glaivetar) to redirect fatigue.

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