Questline Togwaggle Demon Hunter #333 Legend – pepsicola (Score: 31-24)

Questline Togwaggle Demon Hunter #333 Legend - pepsicola
Proof pepsicola

Your goal is to flood the board by turn 4-6 with (ideally) Brute or Walloper, using Felosophy.

If this doesn’t work, stack Glaivetar draws, draw your deck, play Togwaggle and break Glaivetar to steal opponent’s deck, while consistently applying face damage. Trade only when necessary! Let the opponent deal with your big minions!

Versus Aggro, mulligan for Mana Burn or Outsider to stall, and cheap draws like Consume Magic or Sigil of Alacrity to complete the quest in the meantime.

Versus slower decks (Quest Mage, Shudderwock Shaman, etc.) use Glide to disrupt their hand.

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