Reno Druid #98 Legend – Torzonborz

Reno Druid #98 Legend - Torzonborz
Proof Torzonborz

Back from a small break and “Wild is saved!” right? Well, kinda. The strongest aggro and combo decks got nerf so it’s time for some greed pile. 😃
Took my 3 months old reno druid list and updated it. I don’t want to say anything stupid but it seems very strong, high tier 2 or even tier 1 strong. Have zero bad matchups, and an absolute banger against the best and most popular decks (ql druid; miracle rouge; etc.). 💪
Only card I’m not sure about is Metrognome, cause of the low amout of 3 cost cards, so maybe update the list in the near future. 🫶
For questions/deck requests or anything else related to hearthstone everyone can find me at 😉

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