[Theorycraft] Togwaggle Druid – Alphacord

[Theorycraft] Togwaggle Druid - Alphacord

Alphacord Discord: Togwaggle decks have always been one of the more interesting archetypes in Hearthstone to me. For those who are unfamiliar. You draw your entire deck, play King Togwaggle to give your opponent your empty deck and a ‘King’s Ransom”, and then play Azalina Soulthief to copy your opponent’s hand. This means you have your own ransom to switch decks again if your opponent plays theirs, meaning your opponent slowly dies in fatigue. So this deck runs the typical ramp, cycle, and survival tools seen in Druid decks. The new card Kael’thas makes the whole package even more efficient and cheats out the big card draw spells. Dreampetal Florist enables the combo and that’s about it for the deck. The deck can be very challenging to pilot but very powerful.


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