Renathal Reno Uther Paladin #187 Legend – Levi (Score: 7-2)

Renathal Reno Uther Paladin #187 Legend - Levi
Proof Levi

E.T.C.’s Band:
# 1x (2) Garrison Commander
# 1x (3) Time Out!
# 1x (2) Sing-Along Buddy

New Month, new Card. I wantet to try out the new Ysera and I LOVE IT.

I tried a lot different cards to find a new Build and i think i finally found my Top 39 (still not shure about Cattle Ruster 😛 ).

Second best decision to add to the Deck after Ysera was Anachronos.
Great against Libram Pala and to make Boardspace for OTK against Hostage Mage, great anti disruption Card.
With Yseras 15 mana, you only need one Combo minion. Play it, summon 2 horseman and Anachronos. Survive 2 turns.

Stats with the Final Version 7-2.
Total Stats with Pala while trying new Cards in the Build 76-52.

Holy whr…at? Never heard of her 😛

Uther is King <3

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