Why does the Hearthstone Legend Rank sometimes go down when you win?

Legend Rank going down after wining

If you ever played a game at Legend (especially early in the month), you might see yourself in this situation:

You play a game and win – tho instead of ranking up in Legend, actually it goes down.

While this seems like a bug at first look, it’s not, and its reason is pretty simple!

Why can this happen?

Your Legend Rank depends not only on you but also on the other players.

Other players with a higher hidden MMR might reached Legend when you played and therefore placed ahead of you, but also other Legend players.

So was my Win useless?

Your Win, even tho it looks so, was not useless.

The Legend rank is based on your hidden MMR and it increased with the Win, even tho your rank, in this case, didn’t.

So simply keep playing more, and if you win most of your games, your MMR should increase and, therefore, your rank in most cases!

To learn more about how Matching works in Hearthstone, we highly recommend this FAQ by former Data Scientist Tian Ding: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/ft5muf/faq_ranked_mode_overhaul_matchmaking/.

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