Dead Man’s Hand Warrior #321 Legend – Old Uncle Skeeter

Dead Man's Hand Warrior #321 Legend - Old Uncle Skeeter
Proof Old Uncle Skeeter

Turtling with Frenzy DMH to Rank 321

Hey there, I’m Old Uncle Skeeter, owner of the DMH Warrior Discord, avid Reno Druid enthusiast, and Tier-3 connoisseur. This season, I piloted my own Frenzy DMH Warrior list to Legend 321 holding a ~70% win rate, and I’m here to share with you a quick guide to the deck with a short discussion about DMH Warrior/Control Warrior’s future in wild. A quick special thanks to experts like Absolute and /u/Jamerman, and the rest of the DMH Discord for the support and memes.

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