Discard Warlock #259 Legend – BigChimpNRG (Score: 18-5)

Discard Warlock #259 Legend - BigChimpNRG

I started my climb from D5, 3 stars with corbett’s Discolock and I didn’t lose a single game until I hit D2. However, after I made it to D1 I cut 2 Blood Treant for 2 Darkbomb. Treant is fine, but it did cost me a couple games due to it being a bad top deck and the fact that 10 life is a lot to ask for a couple of 2/2s against another aggro deck. In addition to going face Darkbomb can trade for early aggro minions while drawing 1 of 8 other discard spells in the deck.

This Deck is sourced from our Discord, come join us: https://hearthstone-decks.net/discord/

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