Hearthstone Battlegrounds: Floating Watcher is moving to Tavern Tier 4!

Hearthstone Patch 16.2.4 - Nerfing Floating Watcher in Battlegrounds

Community Manager Chris Attalus published on Reddit pretty cool news, on Thursday Floating Watcher is moving from Tavern Tier 3 → Tavern Tier 4. This is not only a nerf for this card, but also for Wrath Weaver. Let us know on Discord what you think about the nerf!

Also a bug will be fixed that caused Galakrond the Nightmare’s cost-reduction priority to negate the cost-increase effects of cards such as Boompistol Bully and Loatheb.

[bluepost] Source – 16.2.4 Update Coming Tomorrow!

Greetings Friends!  

We have a small 16.2.4 server-side patch going live tomorrow with the following changes:  

  • Floating Watcher is moving from Tavern Tier 3 → Tavern Tier 4

  • Fixed an issue that caused Galakrond the Nightmare‘s cost-reduction priority to negate the cost-increase effects of cards such as Boompistol Bully and Loatheb.  

Once these changes have gone live, I’ll be sure to update this thread!  



Upcoming Patch 16.4

Asking about more changes for Battleground Chris Attalus answered:

[bluepost] Chris Atttalus Comment 1 & Comment 2

I mentioned this in the 16.2.3 Update thread I posted, but we have some things coming that I think will turn that frown upside down. Don’t worry my friend, we got you covered <3

We’ve got some things in the pipe that will address your concerns 🤓

We got you fam <3


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