Details: Heroic Duels – 3565 ( First run of the season, was 0 before this run. ) Passives: Crystal Gem & Deathly Death
The biggest tips I can give to people playing this deck are, as counter intuitive as it seems, do NOT take cost reduction anything if you can help it. If you get something like crystal gem, playing a minion prior to quest is fine for both tempo and buffing your research which will always be in your hand. Taking buckets of small cost cards for this reason tends to be pretty good, outside of that you just want card draw and maybe 1 more 7 or 8 cost card for consistency later in your run. Most of the time you can win on quest, but I did win 2 games just beating people down with good board presence and had 1 opponent just forfeit from all the ramp he gave my research.