Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Rogue – AlexWildPants
(Roguish Maneuvers | Deadly Weapons 101)

[OUTDATED - DUELS GOT REMOVED] Duels sadly got removed on April 16th 2024, but you might enjoy Standard or Wild Decks!

Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Rogue - AlexWildPants
Proof AlexWildPants

Mode: Heroic Duels
MMR: 6831
Passives: Crystal Gem & Rally the Troops

Not sure if Krastinov and Wicked Stab are optimal, but they work just fine. Good tier 1 passives would be Grommash’s armguards, small backpacks, fireshaper, Robes of Shrinking, or Rhonin’s Scrying Orb. Good tier 2 passives depend a lot more on what you pick up from your buckets, but the following passives are generally good for weapon rogue. Legandary Loot, Emerald Goggles, Khadgar’s Scrying Orb, and Hagatha’s Embrace


Hero, Hero Power & Signature Treasure

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