Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Vanndar Stormpike – BosjeR
(Promote! | Forge in Light)

[OUTDATED - DUELS GOT REMOVED] Duels sadly got removed on April 16th 2024, but you might enjoy Standard or Wild Decks!

Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Vanndar Stormpike - BosjeR

Details: Heroic Duels
Passives: Shadowcasting 101 & Avenging Armaments

The list didn’t quite matter so much, the games mostly revolved around drawing Righteous Protector on turn 1 and keep playing her. One other game had me playing Lord Barov a few turns in a row to bring back the board to my side, other grindy games turned into playing Alliance Bannerman at start of each turn. Highlord Fordragon was a great help in those latter type of games, but the super hard carry was the simple 1/1.


Hero, Hero Power & Signature Treasure

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