Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Drek’Thar – Kinjar
(War Commands | Gift of the Heart)

Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Drek’Thar - Kinjar
Proof Kinjar

Details: Heroic Duels – 6866 MMR
Passives: Mysterious Tome & Mummy Magic

Make sure not to take poor neutral minions in buckets that could hurt the effectiveness of your passive.
Try to avoid keeping your neutral 3 and below costs in your mulligan.
Sire Denathrius is mostly a knockout punch for poor matchups but board control and burst gimmicks will be your primary win condition.

This Deck is sourced from our Deck Submission Form, submit your own: https://hearthstone-decks.net/submit


Hero, Hero Power & Signature Treasure

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