Mercenaries Shadow Build by Meteorka (8065 MMR)

Proof Meteorka

Starting Composition:
You start with Downgrasp + Tamsin + Tavish usually followed up by Cairne or Voljin depends on board state. You often want to save diablo for a later cairne power turn.

Cairne (3)
Diablo (3)
Tavish (3)
Voljin (3)
Tamsin (3)
Downgrasp (3)

Can add some tips:
-lots of players tend to aggresively play anathema/benediction (especially vs tavish opener) so you can block banediction turn 2 with veil of shadows (same with malfurion healing and pixie dust)
-you dont have to utilize tamsin + voljin combo every game, instead you can save voljin last to deal with lategame cairne/ragnaros
-dont use bear trap into fire stomp turn since bear will just give diablo extra 10 hp
Deck seem to be well rounded and has no clear bad matchups right now

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