Reno Shudderwock Shaman #206 Legend – Glancealot (Score: 32-20)

Reno Shudderwock Shaman #206 Legend - Glancealot

Used the same idea (reno shudderwock) to bring 2 accounts to around top 200 in wild, deck kept getting refined while I climbed. Stats (32-20) shown don’t include days where tracker bugged out due to new patch. Stats DO include losses due to real life interruptions. Unfavoured against regular shudderwock shaman but the gameplay is a lot more enjoyable overall because you are not a one-trick pony (murloc vomit). There are a lot of interesting ideas in addition to reno and zeph: pulling patches with pirate, draw with flowrider & ancestral knowledge (AK) or investment opportunity, lightning bloom out things one turn earlier (turn 2 AK, turn 3 flowrider into bloom + lightning storm against aggro, for example). I tried the 40-card version, even though it performed okay, I felt that it’s explicitly against the idea of “thinning the deck ASAP to get to key pieces quickly”. Maybe someone can help me squeeze in bolner, because every single card seems core right now and therefore cannot be cut.

E.T.C.’s Band:
# 1x (5) Loatheb
# 1x (5) Kobold Stickyfinger
# 1x (5) Boompistol Bully

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