Top Hearthstone Reno Decks – Played at Legend (Standard & Wild)

Top Hearthstone Reno Decks

Reno Jackson

With the Hearthstone Expansion The League of Explorers that went live on November 10, 2015, we got a lot of changes, with the new Legendary neutral Reno Jackson being one for constructed.

This powerful noble lets you fully heal your hero if your deck has no duplicates.

Below we listed all the Decks that reached Top 500 Legend, both for Standard & Wild. This list is updated automatically once new Decks are played.

If you want to get notified about new Decks, we posted (not only for Reno Jackson), make sure to visit our website daily or check us out on our social on TwitterFacebook & Discord.

Standard Reno Decks

Wild Reno Decks

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