Beast Hunter #167 Legend – Torzonborz

Beast Hunter #167 Legend - Torzonborz
Proof Torzonborz

E.T.C.’s Band:
# 1x (1) Flare
# 1x (5) Loatheb
# 1x (2) Furious Howl

Here is my take on Beast Hunter 😍
The deck evolved a lot since I played it, but it’s still really strong. After the combo nerfs the deck doesn’t require spell destruction (as much) and can focus on a more aggressive version with some late game potential. 💪
This time again I wish decks were only 29 card cause I have one “meh” spot again. Etc, Rinling’s Rife and Kazakus Golem Shapper or even Okani can fit depends on what you want (tech; secrets; late game; distruption). 🤔
For questions/deck requests or anything else related to hearthstone everyone can find me at 😉

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