Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Elise Starseeker – Pallapersa
(Druidic Teaching | Elise’s Machete)

[OUTDATED - DUELS GOT REMOVED] Duels sadly got removed on April 16th 2024, but you might enjoy Standard or Wild Decks!

Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Elise Starseeker - Pallapersa
Proof Pallapersa

Details: Heroic Duels – 6506 MMR
Passives: Rocket Backpacks & Idols of Elune

The deck contains the Priest quest, although not necessary to win(probably only won me 2-3 games) it gives you a substantial win condition that can always come in handy, it’s mostly there for the discovers.

The strategy is mainly survive with taunts, armor, and removal(prioritise removal in your draft buckets/treasure pools) and punish your opponent for over extending.

There were quite a few close games but the deck preforms well against Reno and can stand its own vs other control matchups.


Hero, Hero Power & Signature Treasure

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