Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Paladin – FooliusG
(Modest Aspriations | Humble Blessings)

Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Paladin - FooliusG
Proof FooliusG

Details: Heroic Duels – 6322 MMR
Passives: Recycling & Rally the Troops

Look for anointed -> humble interaction in early games. Also avoid picking holy spells (maybe unless its a secret), so that you can ensure the anointed actually pulls humble blessings. Secret buckets are usually decent options, as you have enough other cards to pull secrets, and can often teach out the holy secrets before the anointed play.

Use Kazakus as a surprise finisher by picking 10 mana option and looking for +4/4 to board while you have multiple other minions who can hit face. 10 mana minion will cost 3 with humble blessings. Don’t worry about avoiding 4 mana minions, as humble blessings will prevent them from blocking Kazakus from triggering, and Kazakus is pointless before humble blessings anyway. Be wary of 4 mana spells and weapons for this reason.

If all else fails, hang in until you can get a Kazakusan off.

You should get either rally the troops or battle totem offered for second passive. Both are good but I prefer rally for the regularity. There are many acceptable first passives. Recycling is great for keeping you in the game long enough to get to a Kazakus play.

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