Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Sir Finley – Ricker Bobber
(Power Up! | Scales of Justice)

Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Sir Finley - Ricker Bobber
Proof Ricker Bobber

Details: Heroic Duels – 6018 MMR
Passives: Cookie’s Ladle & Emerald Goggles

Game basically became a face roll once I got Emerald Goggles. Cookie Murloc sub was actually clutch in an early game. I regretted any bucket pull that cost 5 mana or more, 2 of them almost cost me the game (Buckets only, Beastly Beauty was pretty fantastic)

I flew up the ladder, only game I didn’t win was unwinnable. Eye of the Storm Shaman with Plaguebringer and Flames of the Kirin Tor. So all spells cost 2 less, with a free 2 mana fireball every turn.

Thought I might actually be able to overwhelm her over time, but then she came out with a turn 5 or 6 ancient reflections on a guy I used Spikeridge steed on the turn before (seriously f*** the cards I had that cost more than 5, not you Beastly Beauty) into a Bioluminescence. She killed me from 35 health with a couple fireballs and some free Frostbites that all did 10+ damage. And I thought MY deck was broken…

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