How many Players reach Legend in Hearthstone? [Update: March 2025]

Legend Players Twitter

Thanks to an update in the Hearthstone Leaderboard, we can finally see the total amount of Legend Players, officially confirmed by Blizzard.

This post also includes unofficial Data from 2020 to compare the numbers.

» March 2025

Compared to the previous month, we got -24% fewer Legend Players (510k to 390k)

Standard went from 423k to 302k (-29%)

Wild went from 84,3k to 86,3k (+2%)

Twist went from 2,3k to 1,6k (-28%)

Interesting Fact: Compared to the Peak of November 2024, CN has lost more than 50% of their Legend Players (716.871 vs 315.404)


NA: 15552 vs 17896

EU: 20952 vs 22685

Asia: 23198 vs 22442

China: 241970 vs 360000

Total /w CN: 301672 vs 423023

Total /without CN: 59702 vs 63023


NA: 4324 vs 4767

EU: 6574 vs 6994

Asia: 3236 vs 3540

China: 72125 vs 69000

Total /w CN: 86259 vs 84301

Total /without CN: 14134 vs 15301


NA: 92 vs 90

EU: 177 vs 189

Asia: 59 vs 61

Asia: 1309 vs 1948

Total /w CN: 1637 vs 2288

Total /without CN: 328 vs 340

» February 2025

Compared to the previous month, we got -16% fewer Legend Players (610k to 510k)

Standard went from 488k to 423k (-13%)

Wild went from 118,2k to 84,3k (-29%)

Twist went from 3,4k to 2,3k (-32%)

Interesting Fact: While the total loss is 100.465 Legend Players, without CN we would actually have 2.466 more Legend Players


NA: 17896 vs 17249

EU: 22685 vs 21213

Asia: 22442 vs 21483

China: 360000 vs 428533

Total /w CN: 423023 vs 488478

Total /without CN: 63023 vs 59945


NA: 4767 vs 4958

EU: 6994 vs 6883

Asia: 3540 vs 3937

China: 69000 vs 102453

Total /w CN: 84301 vs 118231

Total /without CN: 15301 vs 15778


NA: 90 vs 140

EU: 189 vs 255

Asia: 61 vs 80

Asia: 1948 vs 2893

Total /w CN: 2288 vs 3368

Total /without CN: 340 vs 475

» January 2025

Compared to the previous month, we got -25% fewer Legend Players (812k to 610k)

Standard went from 654k to 488k (-25%)

Wild went from 157,5k to 118,2k (-25%)

Twist went from 0k to 3,4k

Interesting Fact: While the loss of over 200k Players seems a lot, excluding CN, it’s only 18k, which is quite typical in the cycle.


NA: 17249 vs 22147

EU: 21213 vs 26871

Asia: 21483 vs 27947

China: 428533 vs 577439

Total: 488478 vs 654404


NA: 4958 vs 5692

EU: 6883 vs 7856

Asia: 3937 vs 4496

China: 102453 vs 139432

Total: 118231 vs 157476


NA: 140 vs 0

EU: 255 vs 0

Asia: 80 vs 0

Asia: 2893 vs 0

Total: 3368 vs 0

» December 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got 19% more Legend Players (682k to 812k)

Standard went from 533k to 654k (+23%)

Wild went from 148,3k to 157,5k (+6%)

Twist was in Season Break

Interesting Fact: China makes around 88% of all Legend Players


NA: 22147 vs 19998

EU: 26871 vs 24314

Asia: 27947 vs 28735

China: 577439 vs 460238

Total: 654404 vs 533285


NA: 5692 vs 5865

EU: 7856 vs 7982

Asia: 4496 vs 5360

China: 139432 vs 129125

Total: 157476 vs 148332


NA: 5692 vs 5865

EU: 7856 vs 7982

Asia: 4496 vs 5360

China: 139432 vs 129125

Total: 157476 vs 148332

» November 2024

[Excluding CN] Compared to the previous month, we got -35% fewer Legend Players (143k to 92k)

Standard went from 120k to 73k (-39%)

Wild went from 23,1k to 19,2k (-17%)

Twist is in Season Break

China got around ~460k Standard (proofed) & ~129k Wild (proofed) Players


NA: 19998 vs 27104

EU: 24314 vs 29719

Asia: 28735 vs 62928

China: 460238 vs ?

Total: 533285 vs 119751 + ?


NA: 5865 vs 6466

EU: 7982 vs 8482

Asia: 5360 vs 8200

China: 129125 vs ?

Total: 148332 vs 23148 + ?


NA: 0 vs 0

EU: 0 vs 0

Asia: 0 vs 0

China: 0 vs 0

Total: 0 vs 0

» October 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got -13% fewer Legend Players (164k to 143k)

Standard went from 134k to 120k (-11%)

Wild went from 30,2k to 23,1k (-23%)

Twist is in Season Break

Interesting Fact: The Chinese Server is back! Sadly we don’t have official numbers on Legend Players for them – I assume the loss of Asia Legends is related to it.


NA: 27.104 vs 27.839

EU: 29.719 vs 31.135

Asia: 62.928 vs 75.222

Total: 119.751 vs 134.196


NA: 6.466 vs 6.801

EU: 8.482 vs 8.576

Asia: 8.200 vs 14.812

Total: 23.148 vs 30.189


NA: 0 vs 0

EU: 0 vs 0

Asia: 0 vs 0

Total: 0 vs 0

» September 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got 11% more Legend Players (148k to 164k)

Standard went from 119k to 134k (+13%)

Wild went from 27,2k to 30,2k (+11%)

Twist went from 1,7k to 0k (-100%)

Interesting Fact: In total, over all the months Twist reached 16.064 Legend Players (in 10 Seasons)


NA: 27.839 vs 24.270

EU: 31.135 vs 25.500

Asia: 75.222 vs 68.954

Total: 134.196 vs 118.724


NA: 6.801 vs 6.941

EU: 8.576 vs 7.471

Asia: 14.812 vs 12.811

Total: 30.189 vs 27.223


NA: 0 vs 454

EU: 0 vs 612

Asia: 0 vs 677

Total: 0 vs 1.743

» August 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got 4% more Legend Players (142k to 148k)

Standard went from 116k to 119k (+2%)

Wild went from 23,2k to 27,2k (+17%)

Twist went from 2,7k to 1,7k (-36%)

Interesting Fact: America (31.665 Legend Players) and Europe (33.583 Legend Players) are almost the same size.


NA: 24.270 vs 21.007

EU: 25.500 vs 20.373

Asia: 68.954 vs 75.011

Total: 118.724 vs 116.391


NA: 6.941 vs 6.512

EU: 7.471 vs 6.567

Asia: 12.811 vs 10.102

Total: 27.223 vs 23.181


NA: 454 vs 543

EU: 612 vs 489

Asia: 677 vs 1687

Total: 1.743 vs 2.719

» July 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got 3% more Legend Players (139k to 142k)

Standard went from 114k to 116k (+2%)

Wild went from 24,9k to 23,2k (-7%)

Twist went from Season Break to 2,7k

Interesting Fact: This is the second strongest Twist Season (Only September 23 had more Legend Players)


NA: 21.007 vs 22.905

EU: 20.373 vs 22.848

Asia: 75.011 vs 68.101

Total: 116.391 vs 113.854


NA: 6.512 vs 6.119

EU: 6.567 vs 6.066

Asia: 10.102 vs 12.689

Total: 23.181 vs 24.874


NA: 543 vs 0

EU: 489 vs 0

Asia: 1.687 vs 0

Total: 2.719 vs 0

» June 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got 15% fewer Legend Players (163k vs 139k)

Standard went from 139k to 113k (-18%)

Wild went from 24.6k to 24.8k (+1%)

Twist went from Season Break to Season Break

Interesting Fact: While Standard lost quite a lot of players from the Peak (224k to 113k) the loss for Wild is a lot smaller (30k to 25k)


NA: 22.905 vs 29.901

EU: 22.848 vs 26.579

Asia: 68.101 vs 82.749

Total: 113.854 vs 139.229


NA: 6.119 vs 6.681

EU: 6.066 vs 6.441

Asia: 12.689 vs 11.541

Total: 24.874 vs 24.663


NA: 0 vs 0

EU: 0 vs 0

Asia: 0 vs 0

Total: 0 vs 0

» May 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got 20% fewer Legend Players (208k vs 163k)

Standard went from 182k to 139k (-23%)

Wild went from 25.1k to 24.6k (-2%)

Twist went from 1.117 to Season Break

Interesting Fact: Compared to the Peak (January 24) Asia lost half of their Standard Legend Players (165k to 82k)


NA: 29.901 vs 45.664

EU: 26.579 vs 27.505

Asia: 82.749 vs 108.912

Total: 139.229 vs 182.081


NA: 6.681 vs 7.166

EU: 6.441 vs 6.809

Asia: 11.541 vs 11.119

Total: 24.663 vs 25.094


NA: 0 vs 298

EU: 0 vs 284

Asia: 0 vs 535

Total: 0 vs 1.117

» April 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got 4% more Legend Players (200k vs 208k)

Standard went from 180k to 182k (+1%)

Wild went from 19.2k to 25.1k (+30%)

Twist went from 638 to 1.117 (+75%)

Interesting Fact: While Twist grew a lot this month, it’s still a lot less than the Peak (3339 in Sep 2023)


NA: 45.664 vs 32.333

EU: 27.505 vs 20.236

Asia: 108.912 vs 127.860


NA: 7.166 vs 5.867

EU: 6.809 vs 5.578

Asia: 11.119 vs 7.786


NA: 298 vs 161

EU: 284 vs 181

Asia: 535 vs 296

» March 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got 21% fewer Legend Players (255k to 200k)

Standard went from 225k to 180k (-20%)

Wild went from 30.2k to 19.2k (-36.1%)

Twist went from Season Break to 638 (+%)

Interesting Fact: The most significant negative recorded difference from the previous month was -43.037 (May 2020), which was beaten this month (-54.657)


NA: 32.333 vs 30.414

EU: 20.236 vs 28.508

Asia: 127.860 vs 165.845


NA: 5.867 vs 9.748

EU: 5.578 vs 8.690

Asia: 7.786 vs 11.753


NA: 161 vs 0

EU: 181 vs 0

Asia: 296 vs 0

» February 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got 55% more Legend Players (163k to 255k)

Standard went from 132k to 225k (+70%)

Wild went from 30.4k to 30.2k (-1%)

Twist had a Season Break and went from 1256 to none (-%)

Interesting Fact: The Asia Server makes up around 70% of the Legend Player Base. However, we have yet to learn how significant the influence of Bots might be a part of it.


NA: 30.414

EU: 28.508

Asia: 165.845


NA: 9.748

EU: 8.690

Asia: 11.753


NA: 0

EU: 0

Asia: 0

» January 2024

Compared to the previous month, we got 44% more Legend Players (113k vs 163k)

Standard went from 85.1k to 132k (+55%)

Wild went from 27.2k to 30.4k (+14%)

Twist went from 1365 to 1256 (-8%)

Interesting Fact: Since the official recording, there never has been more than 100k Players reaching Legend in Standard


NA: 22862

EU: 24280

Asia: 85004


NA: 10153

EU: 8628

Asia: 11658


NA: 295

EU: 392

Asia: 569

» December 2023

Compared to the previous month, we got 32% more Legend Players (86k vs 113k)

Standard went from 60.6k to 85.1k (+40%)

Wild went from 23.9k to 27.2k (+14%)

Twist went from 1510 to 1365 (-10%)

Interesting Fact: Asia now makes up almost half of the total Legend Players (45.6%), and NA (26.5%) and EU (28.0%) are nearly the same size.


NA: 20475

EU: 22937

Asia: 41705


NA: 9260

EU: 8432

Asia: 9552


NA: 358

EU: 453

Asia: 554

» November 2023

Compared to the previous month, we got 5% more Legend Players (81.9k vs 86.1k)

Standard went from 53.3k to 60.6k (+14%)

Wild went from 25.2k to 23.9k (-5%)

Twist went from 3.3k to 1.5k (-55%)

Interesting Fact: Out of all constructed mode Standard has a share of 70%, Wild 28% and Twist 2%.


NA: 15690

EU: 17825

Asia: 27168


NA: 8507

EU: 7554

Asia: 7894


NA: 458

EU: 651

Asia: 401

» October 2023

Compared to the previous month, we got 10% fewer Legend Players (90.6k vs 81.9k)

Standard went from 66.3k to 53.3k (-19%)

Wild went from 24.2k to 25.2k (+4%)

Twist went from 0 to 3.3k (+∞%)

Interesting Fact: The Asia Server is now the biggest one; for the longest time, it was CN (When it still was there) or the EU Server.


NA: 14868

EU: 17818

Asia: 20690


NA: 9128

EU: 8065

Asia: 8017


NA: 1056

EU: 1469

Asia: 814

» September 2023

Compared to the previous month, we got 69% more Legend Players (53.7k vs 90.6k)

Standard went from 35.0k to 66.3k (+89%)

Wild went from 16.6k to 24.2k (+46%)

Twist was on a break this month

Interesting Fact: This is the highest official Amount of players ever to reach Legend (excluding China Server) – the highest amount of Legend Players ever seen on a server was 118.247 in April 2020, when the new Ranking System launched on the CN Server


NA: 20416

EU: 24736

Asia: 21156


NA: 8906

EU: 8482

Asia: 6905




Asia: N/A

» August 2023

Compared to the previous month, we got 5% fewer Legend Players (56.5k vs 53.7k)

Standard went from 43.3k to 35.0k (-19%)

Wild went from 12.9k to 16.6k (+29%)

Twist went from 286 (in a few days) to 2091

Interesting Fact: Since we started recording EU lost players in Legend, while Asia & NA have more.


NA: 10686

EU: 12722

Asia: 11625


NA: 6081

EU: 6181

Asia: 4359


NA: 686

EU: 1008

Asia: 397

» June 2023

Compared to the previous month, we got 16% fewer Legend Players.

Standard went from 54.6k to 43.3k (-20%)

Wild went from 13.4k to 12.9k (-4%)

Classic is now Twist and got 286 Legend Player (in a few days)

Interesting Fact: Standard Asia now has the 2nd most Legend Players.


NA: 13130

EU: 16598

Asia: 13663


NA: 4527

EU: 5474

Asia: 2917


NA: 105

EU: 142

Asia: 39

» May 2023

Compared to the previous month, we got 4% fewer Legend Players.

Standard went from 59.7k to 54.6k (-9%)

Wild went from 14.1k to 13.4k (-5%)

Classic went from 34.1k to 35.5k (+4%).

Interesting Fact: While both NA & EU lost around 7% Legend Players, Asia got 1% more this month.


NA: 16764

EU: 21330



NA: 4625

EU: 5964

Asia: 2848


NA: 9141

EU: 5446

Asia: 20972

» April 2023

Compared to the previous month, we got 33% more Legend players.

Standard went from 44.4k to 59.7k (+34%)

Wild went from 13.4k to 14.1k (+5%)

Classic went from 22.8k to 34.1k (+50%).

Interesting fact: The number of Legend players for Classic in Wild went from 10k to 20k in April, making it the second biggest, just behind Stanard in Europe.


NA: 20124

EU: 23353

Asia: 16265


NA: 5074

EU: 6328

Asia: 2757


NA: 7536

EU: 5670

Asia: 20894

» March 2023

Legend numbers stayed the same this month; only 1% fewer players reached Legend.

For Standard, the only mode that got more Legend players was Asia (+0.3% in total).

For Wild, only the EU got more Legend players (-2.5% in total).

For Classic, tho, Asia got 58% more Legend players; as always, it might be related to bots (-3.4% in total).


NA: 15265

EU: 17902

Asia: 11255


NA: 4977

EU: 6109

Asia: 2313


NA: 6618

EU: 5749

Asia: 10430

» February 2023

While the mini-set launched on February 14, 2023, it didn’t help with the number of Players reaching Legend in Standard & Wild. In total, almost the same amount reached Legend (81.6k compared to 81.4k)

Standard had 9% fewer players reach Legend (44.3k compared to 48.4k)

Wild had 13% fewer players get Legend (13.8k compared to 15.8k)

And Classic did its one thing and had 37% more players become Legend (23.5k compared to 17.1k) – Bots might have influenced that numbers.


NA: 15395

EU: 18719

Asia: 10186


NA: 5441

EU: 5927

Asia: 2384


NA: 7544

EU: 9415

Asia: 6618

» January 2023

While it seemed to me that fewer players reached Legend in January, this is not the case.
In total, 3922 more players reached Legend (81.5k compared to 77.5k in the previous month).

Standard had 10% fewer players reach Legend (48.4k compared to 53.2k)

Wild had 13% more players who got Legend (15.8k compared to 13.9k)

Classic had 65% more players going to Legend (17k compared to 10k) – tho we have to add that Classic has a big problem with Bots, so I am unsure how vital their numbers are.


CN: -/-

NA: 16942

EU: 21340

Asia: 10129


CN: -/-

NA: 6377

EU: 7045

Asia: 2464


CN: -/-

NA: 5336

EU: 8024

Asia: 3791

» December 2022

In December 2022, the new Expansion March of the Lich King launched, leading to many more players reaching Legend.
In total, 66% more players reached Legend (77526 compared to 46569 in November).
But what’s most interesting: While Wild only saw a 35% increase and Standard 62%, Classic got almost three times as many Legend players and, therefore, continues to be the mode that grows the fastest.


CN: -/-

NA: 18327

EU: 23894

Asia: 11005


CN: -/-

NA: 5350

EU: 6428

Asia: 2180


CN: -/-

NA: 4372

EU: 4003

Asia: 1967

» November 2022

Compared to October (not including CN), Standard saw a 6% decrease in Legend Players, while Wild only saw a 1.5% decrease.
Surprisingly Classic saw an increase of 41% in Legend Players, which is insane (2450 reached Legend in October and 3463 in November).


CN: -/-

NA: 10260

EU: 15820

Asia: 6745


CN: -/-

NA: 3568

EU: 5203

Asia: 1510


CN: -/-

NA: 1721

EU: 1151

Asia: 591

» October 2022

Compared to October 2020, we saw a 9% increase in Players reaching Legend in Standard and almost no difference in Wild when excluding CN.

If we include CN, we see a 32% increase for Standard and a 16% decrease in Wild.


CN: ~50000

NA: 10407

EU: 16533

Asia: 7810


CN: ~30000

NA: 3599

EU: 5240

Asia: 1591


CN: -/-

NA: 1121

EU: 913

Asia: 416

» November 2020

The month is over, and new numbers for how many players reached Legend got collected.

For Wild, we saw an increase of 28% players compared to October. For Standard, we saw an increase of 51%

In total, 41% more players reached Legend in November compared to October.


CN: 51002

NA: 13498

EU: 23307

Asia: 9690


CN: 49400

NA: 3838

EU: 6971

Asia: 1816

» October 2020

For Wild, we saw a decrease of 11% players compared to September. For Standard, we saw a decrease of 35%

In total, 26% fewer players reached Legend in October compared to September.


CN: 32296

NA: 9628

EU: 15652

Asia: 6729


CN: 37987

NA: 3205

EU: 5840

Asia: 1371

» September 2020

For Wild, we saw an increase of 23% of players compared to August. For Standard, we saw a decrease of 33%

In total, 30% less players reached Legend in September compared to August.


CN: 48821

NA: 14982

EU: 24160

Asia: 10555


CN: 43324

NA: 3549

EU: 6197

Asia: 1553

» August 2020

Since a new expansion just got released, the players that have reached Legend increased a lot.

For Wild, we saw an increase of 19% of players compared to July. For Standard, we saw a rise of 56%.


CN: 75458

NA: 22179

EU: 34293

Asia: 14368


CN: 57100

NA: 4610

EU: 7652

Asia: 1902

» July 2020

For Wild, we saw an increase of 7% of players compared to June. For Standard, we saw a 4% decrease.


CN: 54948

NA: 11904

EU: 19451

Asia: 7201


CN: 48517

NA: 3671

EU: 6346

Asia: 1349

» June 2020

For Wild, we saw 17-22% fewer players reaching Legend, in Standard Numbers are between 34-44% fewer players reaching Legend.


CN: 61591

NA: 11610

EU: 21700

Asia: 7861


CN: 46388

NA: 2805

EU: 5175

Asia: 1296

» May 2020

Up to 35% fewer players reached Legend in Standard and up to 30% in Wild compared to April.


CN: 93552

NA: 20016

EU: 38978

Asia: 12270


CN: 59751

NA: 3477

EU: 6257

Asia: 1630

» April 2020

The new Ladder System just launched, and the Legend numbers exploded.
We got almost ten times the number of players reaching Legend as before.


CN: 118247

NA: 30971

EU: 60366

Asia: 18776


CN: 84809

NA: 4531

EU: 8769

Asia: 2252

» March 2020

27% to 50% more players reached Legend in Wild compared to February.


CN: 13449

NA: 3470

EU: 6515


CN: 27433

NA: 639

EU: 1133

Asia: 364

» Feburary 2020

In the CN Region, 26% to 35% of players reached Legend more compared to January, other regions stagnated.


CN: 13563


CN: 18342

NA: 448

EU: 756

Asia: 286

» January 2020


CN: 10735


CN: 13590

NA: 470

EU: 750

Asia: 279

» Sources

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