[Theorycraft] Reno Priest – Alphacord (Hijo)

[Theorycraft] Reno Priest - Alphacord (HIJO)

Alphacord Discord: Reno Priest had always struggled being more than a tier 3 deck since the Raza nerf, but luckily some nerfs were recently undone and Raza was chained no more. Raza Priest is personally one of my favorite archetypes of all time and I took my list to high legend last season. Reno Priest uses Raza the Chained to get zero mana Voidform off of Shadowreaper Anduin to essentially give each card you play “deal two damage”. When this is paired with Spawn of Shadows it creates an OTK to end the game. The deck has the typical highlander cards, board wipes, anti-aggro tools, and cycle to draw your two critical pieces for closing out the game. Featured deck lists include my list, which has more cycle to do better against slow decks, and the other is Hijo’s dragon list, looking to tempo out with strong dragons, most of which are good against aggro. With AoO Reno Priest gains Renew as a cheap spell to pair with Voidform and possibly Soul Mirror as a board wipe.


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