- October 17, 2023
- By neon31
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Hearthstone 27.6 Patch Notes: New Expansion & Battlegrounds Updates & More

Patch 27.6, launching today, is a huge patch that introduces Hearthstone’s next expansion, Showdown in the Badlands, brings Un’Goro to Twist, makes Battlegrounds mid-season adjustments, and includes goodies for Blizzcon and Hallow’s End festivities!
New Expansion: Showdown in the Badlands
The Bloodrock Mining Company found powerful Azerite in the Badlands. They’re digging deep and bleeding the land dry, disrupting the Badlands and awakening slumbering elementals! Now mysterious outlaws are riding into town to set things right. Tumbleweeds roll by and high noon looms. Grab your horse and your hat, it’s nearly time for a Showdown in the Badlands!
Showdown in the Badlands launches worldwide on November 14, with 145 rootin’ tootin’ new cards! You can find the full Showdown in the Badlands reveal schedule, and all the cards that have already been revealed, by visiting the official Card Library. Check back frequently—the page will be updated with new cards daily. And make sure you check out Hearthstone at BlizzCon, where we’ll be showing the Showdown in the Badlands Cinematic Trailer and more!
» A Crooked Lawman Faces Noble Outlaws
The Bloodrock Mining Company’s operation is run by none other than the corrupt Sheriff Barrelbrim! Sheriff Barrelbrim is as greedy as his hat is tall, so he’s not halting the mining for something as silly as health and safety. He’s coerced, cajoled, and conscripted the townsfolk into working the mines; and he has a special spot in the Badlands Jail for anyone who stands in his way.
But an unexpected band of noble outlaws has come together to take him on! Each of these gunslingers is used to working on their lonesome, so they have special effects if your deck has no duplicates. Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Priest, and Shaman each have one of these Legendary Outlaws, and they’re led by Elise, Badlands Savior!
This here story takes place before Elise joined the League of Explorers, so they won’t be joining her in this rodeo, but who knows who she might meet on this adventure.
» New Keyword: Quickdraw
To win a Wild West Showdown, you’ve got to be quick on the draw! Cards with the new Quickdraw keyword get a special bonus if they’re played the turn they enter your hand. Fire your cards off as soon as you draw them for maximum effect!
» New Keyword: Excavate
What’s the Bloodrock Mining Company after, anyway? Why, Treasures, of course! Cards with the new Excavate keyword give you a Treasure when played. Each time you Excavate, you get a Treasure from the tier you’re on, and then you progress to the next tier, so the further you dig into the mine, the bigger and rarer your treasure gets. Talk about paydirt!
So, the first time you Excavate, you get one of five 1-mana Common Treasures. The next time you Excavate, you get one of five 2-mana Rare Treasures. Then one of five 3-mana Epic Treasures. Once you tap out your mine, you start your excavation over at Common in a new vein! In total, there are 15 Neutral Excavation Treasures that all classes can dig up: five at each rarity.
Five classes are working with the Bloodrock Mining Company: Death Knight, Mage, Rogue, Warlock, and Warrior. These expert miners are able to get even deeper in their Excavations. Each of these classes has a class-specific 4-mana Legendary Excavate Treasure that they get when they Excavate for the fourth time. Eureka!
The Excavate Treasures have rarities so you know how far you are into the mine, but none of these cards are collectible cards in the set—they can only be obtained through Excavation. You can also find these Excavation Treasures through the “related cards” functionality in the official Card Library. The remaining Legendary Excavate Treasures will be revealed during reveal season.
» Pre-Purchase Showdown in the Badlands Now!
The Showdown in the Badlands Mega Bundle includes 80 Showdown in the Badlands card packs, 10 Golden Showdown in the Badlands card packs, 1 random Showdown in the Badlands Signature Legendary card, 1 random Showdown in the Badlands Golden Legendary card, the Ulfar Druid Hero Skin, and the Ulfar card back!
The Showdown in the Badlands Bundle includes 60 Showdown in the Badlands card packs, 2 random Showdown in the Badlands Legendary cards, and the Ulfar card back!
» Thunderbringer Login Reward Available Now!
It’s almost time to ride off into the Showdown in the Badlands! But first, you need a good horse. Login now to get the Legendary minion, Thunderbringer!* This majestic Elemental Beast has a Deathrattle that summons an Elemental and a Beast from your deck. Fill your stable with powerful targets and make your opponents pony up! Yee-haw!
* Limited one per account. After Patch 28.6, Thunderbringer will be granted upon opening your first Showdown in the Badlands pack, instead of upon logging in.
Join the BlizzCon Celebration!
Blizzcon is right around the corner! This is your last chance to buy a ticket or a special BlizzCon Collection of in-game goodies. Hearthstone has some fun stuff planned for BlizzCon, including the premier of the Showdown in the Badlands cinematic, so you won’t want to miss it! Learn more about everything happening at BlizzCon this year in the official BlizzCon site, learn more about what Hearthstone goodies you can get in the BlizzCon Collection, and get your tickets today!
Whether you’re joining us at BlizzCon or following the announcements from home, from November 3 to November 10 you can complete a Legendary Quest to earn the special BlizzCon For All card back!
Twist Seasonal Update: Wonderful Un’Goro
We’re expanding the Wonders format for November, adding Un’Goro to the mix! With this update, the sets that are legal in Wonders will be:
- Caverns of Time
- Legacy (not Core)
- Curse of Naxxramas
- Goblins vs Gnomes
- Blackrock Mountain
- The Grand Tournament
- The League of Explorers
- Whispers of the Old Gods
- One Night in Karazhan
- Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- Journey to Un’Goro
There will be no special rules modifier for the November season, but there is one more card pool update:
- “The Caverns Below” is banned in Twist this season.
Hearthstone Updates
In celebration of Un’Goro being added to Twist, the following cards are getting updated to better match Wild and the upcoming Twist format. These changes will go live with Patch 27.6, so you have some time to dust off your Un’Goro cards and try these updates out ahead of the Twist season rollover.
Battlegrounds Updates
General Update
You can now favorite multiple Hero Skins per Hero to get a random one of your favorites at the start of each game. Now you can bring even more great looks to the Tavern!
New Anomalies
Additional Anomalies will be added to the Anomaly pool each week throughout Patch 27.6. When Anomalies are newly added to the Anomaly pool, they’ll have an increased appearance rate for that week. This is our last planned infusion of new Anomalies this Battlegrounds Season!
The following Anomalies are being added to the Anomaly pool with Patch 27.6:

The additional Anomalies coming throughout Patch 27.6 are:

Additionally, the “Transient Treasures” Anomaly has been renamed to “Anomalous Evidence” (no functional changes).
New Minions
Observer of Myths (Tier 3)
- 1/4. After you summon a minion with more attack than this, give all friendly minions +1 Attack.
Diremuck Forager (Tier 3, Murloc)
- 4/3. Start of Combat: Give a Murloc in your hand +2/+2, then summon it for this combat only.
Heedless Hoarder (Tier 4, Murloc)
- 5/6. When you sell this, give a friendly Murloc this minion’s stats.
Slitherspear, Lord of Gains (Tier 5, Naga)
- 3/5. At the end of your turn, give your other Naga +1/+1 for each different spell you’ve cast this turn.
Sprightly Scarab (Tier 4, Beast)
- 5/2. Choose One – Give a Beast +1/+1 and Reborn; or +4/+4 and Taunt.
Hawkstrider Herald (Tier 5, Beast)
- 5/2. Start of Combat: Trigger all friendly Deathrattles.
Audacious Anchor (Tier 4, Pirate)
- 3/13. Start of Combat: Battle the nearest enemy minion to death!
Rapscallion Recruiter (Tier 5, Pirate)
- 9/3. Deathrattle: Summon 3 Scallywags.
Admiral Eliza Goreblade (Tier 6, Pirate)
- 6/7. Whenever a friendly Pirate attacks, give your minions +2/+1.
- Dev Comment: She’s alive!
Motley Phalanx (Tier 6, All)
- 7/7. Taunt. Deathrattle: Give a friendly minion of each type +7/+7.
Cultist S’thara (Tier 6)
- 11/3. Stealth. Deathrattle: Summon your first Demon that died this combat. It keeps enchantments.
Minion Pool Updates
- The following minions have been removed from the minion pool: Saltscale Honcho, Witchwing Nestmatron, Vanessa VanCleef, Reanimating Rattler, Critter Wrangler, Nightmare Amalgam, Palescale Crocolisk, Coldlight Seer, Mechano-Tank, Felstomper, and The Boogie Monster.
- The following minions have been returned to the minion pool: Tavern Tipper, Felfin Navigator, Kangor’s Apprentice, Goldrinn the Great Wolf, Tea Master Theotar, and Mecha-Jaraxxus.
Minion Updates
Kangor’s Apprentice
- Old: Deathrattle: Summon the first 2 friendly Mechs that died this combat.
- New: Deathrattle: Summon your first 2 Mechs that died this combat.
- Dev Comment: This is a text-only update.
- Old: [Tier 4] 6/2
- New: [Tier 5] 8/3
Goldrinn, the Great Wolf
- Old: 4/4. Deathrattle: Give your Beasts +5/+5.
- New: 3/3. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +3/+3.
Arena Updates
When Patch 27.6 goes live, all current Arena runs will end and Hallow’s End will come to the Arena! Dual-class Arena is back, this time with the spooky new addition of Death Knight into the mix. Dual-class Arena will last until Patch 28.0. The eligible card sets during this period will be:
- Core
- Path of Arthas
- Rise of Shadows
- Darkmoon Faire
- Forged in the Barrens
- Festival of Legends
In-Game Event: Hallow’s End
There’s a new cowboy in town—the Headless Horseman! From October 17-November 2, you can complete holiday-themed Event Quests to earn Event XP on the special event rewards track. Complete the rewards track to earn two Standard packs, two TITANS packs, a Festival of Legends pack, a Lich King themed Dancin’ Deryl Battlegrounds skin, and a Pirate themed Illidan Demon Hunter skin!
Community Day and More!
Starting today, get into the spirit of the season with a treat of one free pack per week from the in-game shop, for a limited time. Check back often so you don’t miss any!
Then, this weekend, October 21-22, we’ll be hosting a special Community Day to celebrate the announcement of Showdown in the Badlands, prepare for the upcoming Twist season, and get hyped for BlizzCon! By participating in Community Day, you can rustle up 9 free packs within 24 hours! From October 21, 9:00 a.m. (PT) to October 22, 8:59 a.m. (PT), earn five drops, each for watching 45 minutes of any Hearthstone stream.
- First drop: 2 Journey to Un’Goro Packs
- Second drop: 1 Voyage to the Sunken City Pack + 1 Murder at Castle Nathria Pack
- Third drop: 1 March of the Lich King Pack + 1 Festival of Legends Pack
- Fourth drop: 1 TITANS Pack + 1 Showdown in the Badlands Pack
- Fifth drop: 1 Showdown in the Badlands Pack
Tune in to your favorite streamers and join them for this fun celebration of Hearthstone’s community! Make sure you link your Twitch and Battle.net accounts so that your viewing time counts towards drops. Streamers in Hearthstone’s Creator Program have also been given BlizzCon Collection codes they’ll be giving away on their streams to add some giddyup to the celebration!
Mass Pack Opening Is Here!
Mass Pack Opening is now here, just in time for Showdown in the Badlands. Now you’ll be able to open up to 40 of the same type of pack at once (or up to 20 at once for Golden Packs)! That means you’ll be able to crack open your Pre-Purchase Bundles, or any other big bundles, with just a few clicks. Yee-haw!
Grab a pack from your stack and hold to pick up multiple packs at once. After you’ve gathered all the packs you want, move over to the pack-opening area and release your stack of packs!
The interface will then show you some highlights from your packs, which you can reveal one by one or all at the same time, and then it will give you a full summary of all the cards opened in that pack stack. All the cards will be in your Collection, like normal, for browsing and deckbuilding once your packs are all open.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [General] The Hearthstone tutorial has been revamped and streamlined.
- [Hearthstone] Cards like Rolling Fireball and The Lurker Below will no longer skip over Dormant minions and Locations. Instead, if there is an illegal target blocking the effect, the effect will end there.
- [Hearthstone] Scarab Lord is an Undead and Corruption is a Shadow spell.
- [Hearthstone] Scarab Lord’s Scarab Gong has had its text updated to “Whenever” instead of “After” to better match how the effect works.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where playing a secret discovered by Void Scripture would cause a disconnect.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Amitus, the Peacekeeper’s “Reinforced” Ability sometimes caused disconnects for the opponent.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Thori’belore did not trigger its Deathrattle when it died from being returned to hand when the hand was full.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Arcanite Ripper would upgrade if the attacker took damage equal to the Armor they had.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed bugs with Jotun, the Eternal’s duplicate effect and Cast When Drawn spells and spells that gain effects when they enter your hand.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Disciple of Eonar’s effect would apply, but not be spent, if a Choose One spell was either randomly cast or Cast When Drawn.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Kologarn’s Deathrattle would return minions that had been stolen and then put into your deck to the opponent.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Zok Fogsnout’s effect text would be inconsistent with a weapon equipped.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where a Rivendare, Warrider victory would result in screen shake even when screen shake was turned off in the menu options.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Temple of Earth (generated by Runi, Time Explorer) used base HP instead of current HP.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Reliquary Seeker triggered off a board that included Locations.
- [Battlegrounds] Shifter Zerus will now carry over enchantments when it transforms in hand (meaning, if it gets buffs while it’s in your hand, they won’t be erased when it transformed).
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bugged interaction between Spellcraft and Magnetic.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where a Taunt Magnetic Mech wouldn’t grant Taunt to a minion that previously had its Taunt removed by Iron Groundskeeper.
- [Duels] Fixed a bug where your Win/Loss record did not appear in-game.
- [Solo Content] Fixed a bug where some players had issues accessing Adventures on mobile devices.
- [Progression] Fixed a text issue where the “Trust Fall” Achievement included the wrong card name.
- [Progression] Fixed a bug where the “ALWAYS” Achievement only tracked excess damage directly done to the attacked minion, not counting cleave effects.
- [Progression] Fixed a bug where the Poor Social Distancing Achievement progressed off a Poisonous minion killing the enemy hero, instead of just enemy minions.
- Fixed various visual bugs.
- Misc. other bug fixes and game improvements.
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