Hey everyone,
We’ve got a hotfix going out later today that includes significant changes to the Discover keyword and randomly generated cards:
- Discover cards can no longer Discover themselves.
- Cards that ‘generate a random card’ can no longer generate themselves.
Dev comment: Overall, this change is aimed at helping games feel a bit more varied. While generating the same card can be an exciting individual moment, these types of experiences tend to have diminishing returns after a while. These adjustments should make for healthier games against classes with a ton of resource generation.
The hotfix also includes the following:
- Mr. Bigglesworth is now available in Battlegrounds to all players.
- Fixed a bug where the selected minion summoned by Jandice Barov would not have the death upon damage enchantment when summoned again with Khadgar.
- Fixed a bug where Headmaster Kel’Thuzad would not resurrect minions that were destroyed from being returned to a full hand.
These changes will take place on the server side, so you won’t have to download anything if you’ve already updated to 18.0.